Archive for Death

On the Thought of Subjective Perception of Death Within The Constraints of Consciousness.

Posted in Psychological Ponderings with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 11, 2010 by melodicdiscord

Using the amazing website that is “stumbleupon”, I must say I’ve found quite the collection of artwork, random quotes, and silly cat pictures, but nothing has ever captured my attention like the essay written by a mister Bard Canning. I have to wonder if that’s his real name or a twist on the “Cannon Bard” theories of emotion. The following is a mere excerpt, not fairly representing the piece as a whole, but representative of the part that captured my attention most closely, existentialism as analogous to musical progression. I do however, very STRONGLY urge you to read the entire essay. It will take but 10 or 15 minutes.  His concepts of philosophical reasoning are eye opening. My response follows.

The Death Delusion by Bard Canning Full Essay



Hold That Thought

“Music is what feelings sound like.”


A thought cannot fully exist within any one moment in time. If it could then you could cryogenically freeze someone’s brain, halting the electrons and chemicals in that moment, and the person would be stuck forever thinking the same thought.

A thought does not exist at a fixed point in time; rather it exists in the transition between points.

It’s rather similar to music. A piece of music is not the notes on the page; rather it is the journey from one note to another that creates the song.

So are our thoughts created in the journey between moments in time.

Pause or End Game?

“You are the music while the music lasts.”

T.S. Eliot

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